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Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding this web site. We hope they are useful. If you can't find an answer to a question you have, just CLICK HERE to send us a note and we will do everything we can to promptly answer your question.

Who is ourtollfreenumber?

ourtollfreenumber offers premium toll-free numbers to businesses allowing their customers to remember who they are and what products they're offering. You have discovered one of the leading premium 800 number companies. OurTollFreeNumber Management has been of assistance to tens of thousands of customers. Every day, we assist businesses and professionals with their search for a great premium toll-free number. Our customer service department is well known for its 24/7/365 prompt service. We understand how important it is for every business to have superior service for the premium toll-free number and we work 24 hours a day to support our customers. Our entire business is ONLY premium 800 numbers and we are totally dedicated to our customers. premium toll-free numbers are the best sales tools. Once your customers have had a good experience using the premium toll-free number, it becomes easier for them to pick up the phone and call again. And they will refer their friend and colleagues to call your premium 1800 number. The reason is simple. It's quick and easy.

How does a premium toll-free number work on my phone line? Do I need to install a separate land line?

The 800 number is simply linked onto your existing phone lines. You can ring the premium toll-free number to your office, home, cell phone, call center or even your vacation beach house! There is no charge to change where the 800 number is linked to and all changes are made within 24 hours of the initial request.

It sounds great, but where do I begin to order service for a premium toll-free number?

ourtollfreenumber has a series of broad categories that you can click through for suggestions of a toll-free number for your business. Another method of searching is to type in keywords that pertain to your company in our search box. Remember to use more generic words to conduct your search (for example, type in the word "pet", for your pet supply business as opposed to word "dog" or your specific company name.)

I looked through your categories and even did a few searches on the site, but I still can't find something that fits my business. What do I do now?

Please click here to access our contact form and send us a note with a brief description of your company. During business hours, our customer representatives will respond within just a few hours of the request and work carefully with you to secure the best premium toll-free number for your individual company needs.

Do I have to sign a contract when I order a toll-free number? What are your cancellation policies?

No, there are no long-term contracts associated with any of our premium 1800 toll-free numbers. All you need to do is provide us with a 30-day written cancellation notice and we will confirm when your account has been closed. We provide our customers with the exclusive rights to their premium toll-free number nationwide or (upon request), to their own state or city.

How much does it cost to order 800 service for a premium number from

All interstate rates for your incoming toll-free calls are only 9.9 cents per minute. (Please also view our low intrastate rate table.) We charge a low monthly fee for your premium toll-free number, which varies in price from number to number. There is also a one-time $99 set-up fee for processing your application and setting up your toll-free service. Please be sure to contact us to further discuss any questions you may have with our prices.

I have an ad campaign running in a few days. How long does it take for my premium toll-free number to work? Is it possible to rush the order?

It generally takes about 5 business days for a 1800 toll-free number to be in full service. However, if you need your order to be expedited, please be sure to contact us and we will then expedite your order.

I still have questions about ourtollfreenumber. How do I go about to get answers?

Once again, we encourage you to use our contact form so that we may help with any individual questions or concerns you may have.

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